Sunday, April 24, 2022

“All to confuse consumers” – M’sian Calls Out Store For ‘Haram’ Marketing Tactics on Raya Clothes

As Raya is fast approaching, plenty of people have been rushing to get their hands on a fresh new outfit to celebrate the festivities. However, it appears that some people have taken advantage of the rush for their own benefit.

Recently, Twitter user Zayed took to the app to complain about how certain shops and brands have been engaging in some questionable marketing practices.

In his tweet, he wrote, “There’s a lot of shops that do this. When I went to a certain department store. I noticed that they were offering a 40%-50% discount on baju melayu. Before this there was no such thing.”


“Turns out, the discounted price is the same as the original price. All to manipulate consumers,” he added as he called for the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs to take action.

In a picture accompanying the post, it showed how before the Raya rush, baju melayus were sold at a price of RM100 without discount. Whilst in a recent picture, a poster was promoting the same baju melayu at a price of RM100 from RM369.


Apparently it’s a normal tactic

The tweet has gained over 5,322 likes and 4,288 shares. Plenty of users took the the comment section to condemn this practice as apparently, plenty of places do this to manipulate consumers.

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One user who experienced this commented, “I’ve been to that department store to buy work trousers for RM50 without discount. 2 months later when I went to buy more, it said that it was discounted by 50%, turns out the price tag said that the original price is RM100 so it went down to RM50.”

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Whilst others shared tips on how to not get fooled by such marketing tactics. “Don’t buy traditional clothes during festive periods and during wedding season. It really is a scam. Traders will hike up the price then give false discounts.”

“If you really want to buy, then buy earlier. We also need to be smart,” added the user.

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Meanwhile, some users pointed out that such practices have even been said to be haram by people such as celebrity preacher Ustaz Azhar Idrus.


Have you ever been a victim of such marketing tactics? Let us know in the comments.


Also read: M’sian Baju Melayu Brand Praised For Their Innovative 3D Advert on Billboard Next to KLCC!

ft advert

Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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