Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Japanese YouTubers Celebrate Ramadhan In Hong Kong By Handing Out Free Nasi Lemak Bungkus

Malaysians living in Hong Kong got the surprise of their lives when they stumbled upon a Japanese YouTuber couple handing out free nasi lemak in their area!

iChang RM, a Japanese YouTuber along with her partner, Jimmy, decided to make nasi lemak bungkus themselves, and hand them out to people on the street in front of their house in Ma Wan, Hong Kong, in conjunction with Ramadhan.

The couple, who LOVE Malaysian food, took to their YouTube channel to showcase their experience!

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In the video, they showcased how they made the nasi lemak bungkus packets from scratch, from the sambal to the rice, to the folding of the packets!

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The duo also mentioned that they had put up a notice on their community Facebook page, that they were openly a free nasi lemak stall. This attracted Malaysians who were living in the area (many of them are from Ipoh!).

Before they even managed to set up the stall in front of their house, there were already Malaysians waiting for them!

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One Malaysian man even asked if they were planning on opening a nasi lemak business, to which iChang said no.

You should! Because there’s quite a number of Malaysians in this area,” the man told the duo.

The man also explained that he was eating lunch elsewhere when he saw iChang RM’s Facebook post about the nasi lemak stall.

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“I was having lunch just now, and I saw your post, I’m like, ‘NASI LEMAK’? I quickly finished my lunch, paid and I took my bicycle (and rushed over),” he added.

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The duo ended up handing out all 13 of the nasi lemak packets they made within 20 minutes, and made a second batch that disappeared quickly too!


And this isn’t exactly the first time the couple has shown their love for Malaysian food. 

iChang RM and Jimmy had also previously showcased themselves making local YouTuber, Sugu Pavithra’s chicken curry!

It’s truly amazing to see how Malaysian food is bringing people together, even in foreign countries.

You can watch iChang RM’s heartwarming video here:

What do you think about this? Let us know in the comment section.


Also read: Local Preacher Warns Against Eating ‘Triangle-Shaped’ Nasi Lemak Because It Links To The Illuminati

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Source: iChang RM
Source: iChang RM
Source: iChang RM
Source: iChang RM
Source: iChang RM
Source: iChang RM

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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