Thursday, May 19, 2022

Kind M’sian Saves Dog From The Middle of LDP Puchong, Now Looking For Forever Home

The kindness of Malaysians knows no bounds as we’ve seen people from all walks of life helping out their fellow community members and furry friends however they can.

But this one Malaysian stood out from the crowd after he was willing to turn back and stop at the fast lane to save a poor dog stuck in the middle of the Puchong side of the LDP highway.

Nafies Afkhory took to his profile to showcase his rescue operation.

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He wrote, “Male dog, around 2-years-old. This is where I bumped into it. In the middle of the fast lane of the LDP Puchong in front of IOI. I was scared to not take it, in case it dies from getting hit by a car or dehydration.”

Nafies shared that he has a fear of dogs but his concern for the dog overpowered it.

“I’m actually a little scared of dogs but when I saw it, I immediately turned back to rescue it,”

“Luckily it was a good dog, it didn’t bite or bark. Even when I was inviting it into the car, it was actually scared too but thankfully I successfully persuaded it,” he added.

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In another post, he shared how he had taken the dog to a vet for a check up and found that it had already been given rabies vaccinations, and is rabies-free! Nafies is now looking for someone to adopt the good boy, as he and his friends that are helping him are unable to keep it.

“This dog is very good, doesn’t bite and it’s not aggressive and hasn’t even barked once. It’s only 2-years-old, maybe has a little bit of fleas and some minor skin problems (because its an outdoors dog),” he explained.

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If you are interested in adopted the doggy, you can contact Nafies at 018-9869018. If he is unable to find a forever home for the dog soon, he might have to either pass the dog to a shelter (he welcomes recommendations of good shelters) or release it somewhere safe.


We’re so happy to see how our fellow Malaysians are willing to go out of their way to help a furry friend in need and we genuinely hope that they manage to find the dog a forever home soon. Kudos, Nafies!

You can check out his rescue operation here.

What do you think about this? Let us know in the comment section.


Also read: This M’sian’s Bond With The Stray Doggies Down At Kedah Airport Will Make You Melt!

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This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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