Monday, August 8, 2022

‘Passion & sacrifice’ – 71yo Penang Retiree Has Never Taken An MC Throughout His 34 Years Of Service

Feeling sick? Having a bad day? Or simply need a break from your hectic work? Under these circumstances, we tend to apply for sick leave just to give ourselves a break. But not for this 71-year-old retiree who had never taken an MC during his time in his career.

Kamaldin Mohd Abdullah, who was the General Assistant at TNB retired 15 years ago in 2007, and he revealed that taking an MC never crossed his mind throughout his 34 years of service.

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‘It was three decades of my passion and sacrifice while working with TNB back then,’ he told KOSMO.

Sick? Accident? I still worked

With his more than 30 years of service with the agency, Kamaldin, who is from Penang, had certainly gone through multiple changes when it comes to his job position. From simply handling the bills to a van driver and up until his last position as the General Assistant, he had never applied for sick leave. And no, that does not mean he was never sick for over three decades.

Throughout his service, Kamaldin had gone through headaches, toothaches, fever, and cough. These conditions grant us a sick leave but they did not deter his will to keep working without applying for an MC.

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‘My motorcycle malfunctioned and I even had an accident when on duty. Still, I did not apply for sick leave,’ Kamaldin added.

He also said that aside from his passion and sacrifice, it was all about good intentions – which was to earn and help his family. Despite having no ceremonies to celebrate his achievement, Kamaldin admitted that he is still, and will always be grateful for his work. His completion of service with TNB only granted him a roll of a certificate, which will always be his fondest memory of working with the company.

Sick? Bad weather? People nowadays apply MC for that

While sick leave is there for us to take when the occasion calls for it, Kamaldin had something to say about the people nowadays, be it from the government or the private sector.

‘Some people are really pampered nowadays. They’ll take a sick leave for a minor illness, including a flat tyre and heavy rain.’

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He urged the people, especially the youth to instill passion and interest in their works, and not to take the easy way out.

‘Taking sick leave will only trouble your colleagues. If you want to be better, first you have to eliminate the laziness,’ Kamaldin said.

34 years without an MC is definitely an achievement not everyone could make. However, do you think that some people nowadays are abusing their entitlement to sick leave?


Also read: M’sian Tells Boss That She’s Taking Leave To Go To Temple & Pray For A BF, Boss Says Go Ahead

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Source: Kosmo
Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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