Sunday, August 7, 2022

“They don’t make films like this anymore” – M’sian Has Watched Top Gun: Maverick In Theatres 59 Times!

At times, when a movie exceeds your expectations, you might find yourself catching the movie multiple times in cinemas.

Some people, especially movie enthusiasts, tend to watch more than twice if they happen to LOVE a movie, and there’s nothing wrong with showing support to both the cinema industry and the movie itself.

What if we told you that recently, a Malaysian took to his Instagram and revealed that he has watched Top Gun: Maverick, not twice, not thrice, but 59 times in theatres!

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The sequel to 1986’s Top Gun was definitely anticipated by the fans but to have your sight glued to the screen to the same movie 59 times is truly something rare and shocking.


His love for the movie

WORLD OF BUZZ reached out to Ian, the man who happily rewatched Maverick in the theatres, and he had nothing but fond words to say about the movie.

‘Top Gun Maverick is when you can say that a film is full of magic, and that everything in the film is done right, that even the slightest changes may lose its charm.”

Ian then added, ‘Seriously, they don’t make films like this anymore. Practical stunts, little to no CGI use, excellent cinematography, impactful ending, effective nostalgia-and-tribute-inducing moments and impeccable works from every crew and department.’

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As expected, Maverick is not the only Tom Cruise movie that Ian had watched repeatedly. He believes that the Mission Impossible movie series had always been Cruise’s best works before Maverick.

With that being said, he said that he had watched the Mission Impossible movies a number of times, including in theatres and through the DVDs that he bought.


So, what’s the damage?

We repeat, Ian has watched Top Gun: Maverick a total of 59 times in the theatres. With that amount of time, we wonder how much he spent on his cinematic experience.

‘Honestly, I am not so sure of the exact amount spent.’

We were quite surprised by his answer but Ian told WORLD OF BUZZ that as the owner of CineMagic Malaysia, he was invited to the press screening a few times and received some discounts at other times. Not only that but sometimes, his friends also paid for his tickets.

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However, if Ian had not attended and press screening or received any discounts and paid for ALL the tickets himself, the rough amount would have been RM1,800, considering the various formats of cinema screens and halls he was in.

This includes:

  • 28 times in IMAX,
  • 14 in 4DX,
  • 11 in Screen X,
  • 1 in MX4D,
  • 1 in Big Screen &
  • 4 in Standard Hall.

Since Ian had the luxury of the benefits mentioned, he believes that he may have spent up to RM1,200 alone for Top Gun: Maverick.

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Maverick all day, erryday?

Top Gun: Maverick was released in May this year, so does that mean that Ian has been watching the movie every single day?

‘If my mood welcomes me, I would see the film about 2 times a day. It’s so good, I cannot comprehend why I am still in love with the film.’

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He told WORLD OF BUZZ that the most number of times that he watched the movie in a day was 5 times, from morning until late at night. His previous record of watching a movie in the theatres the most times was The Greatest Showman, 15 times!

Ian’s ‘commitment’ and love towards the cinematic experience is definitely relatable to all the movie enthusiasts out there.


If you had the time and the money, would you have spent on reliving the same cinematic experience all over again? What are the movies that you’ve watched countless times?


Also read: Do We Really Need Cut Scenes Or Censorship In Movies For 18 & Above, Like Scream?

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This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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