Tuesday, March 30, 2021

“My kidneys almost failed” M’sian Woman Shares How Her Spinning Exercise Took A Wrong Turn

The post “My kidneys almost failed” M’sian Woman Shares How Her Spinning Exercise Took A Wrong Turn appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

As Asian parents would say, ALWAYS STAY HYDRATED!

Spinning is all the rage right now as it’s an accessible form of exercise and also mostly enjoyable. However, like every other form of exercise, moderation and recovery are the most important aspect of every exercise and this Malaysian girl had to learn this the hard way.

Facebook user Atrina Lau shared her predicament where right after she finished her spin class, her legs felt limp and she couldn’t walk properly. However, she just assumed it was usual muscle soreness that came when you haven’t worked out for quite some time.

The pain however persisted for the next three days and Atrina couldn’t even sit or squat. When she went online and searched “muscle soreness after spinning”, the answer wasn’t as simple as what she expected.

“I realised after a few days, my urine started to turn brown and my muscle pain became more unbearable.”

That night itself, she went to the emergency department in the Singapore Government Hospital to get her blood and urine tested. Around 2am, the doctor informed that she has been diagnosed with rhabdomyolysis, a syndrome due to direct or indirect muscle injury. It results from the death of muscle fibres and the release of their contents into the bloodstream.

According to Atrina’s doctor, her creatinine kinase level (a protein released by the muscles when they break down), was at a dangerous level and she needed to be hospitalised immediately or her kidneys will fail.

Atrina spent the next four days undergoing intravenous hydration and was asked to drink plenty of water during her stay. Her creatine kinase levels soon dropped and she was discharged but she was still encouraged to hydrate constantly.

She cautioned that rhabdomyolysis is likely to happen to anyone from any intense exercise, not only spinning. In fact, speaking to WORLD OF BUZZ, Atrina said this was her very first spin class and at an open level.

“Make sure you always stay hydrated after any intense exercise. If you’re facing similar symptoms, make sure to visit the doctor immediately.”

Have you faced any similar symptoms after an intense activity? Share your experiences with us in the comments section!


Also read: Man Shares How Your Mental Health Can Affect Your Body After He Had Heart Attack Symptoms

The post “My kidneys almost failed” M’sian Woman Shares How Her Spinning Exercise Took A Wrong Turn appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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