Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Vietnamese Delivery Man Heroically Saves 3yo Toddler Who Fell From 12th Floor of Condominium

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Disclaimer: The content in this article may be distressing for some so we have linked the video instead of showing it in the embedded player. 

This incident is definitely one that we never want to see happen. 

On the evening of 28 February, a three-year-old toddler known as NPH was seen hanging on the side of a balcony of a condominium apartment on the 12th floor situated in Thanh Xuan District, Vietnam. Many residents saw the incident and started screaming for help.

This got the attention of a delivery man, Nguyen Ngoc Manh who was waiting for his customer on the ground floor of the condominium. When he heard the screams and the toddler dangling, he acted on his instinct and started climbing up to the metal roof that was on the ground floor of the condominium.

However, the roof was a little slippery and Manh fell. At the same time, the toddler who was dangling lost her grip and fell. Manh threw himself forward and held his arms out to catch the falling toddler. The delivery man managed to soften her fall with his arms and quickly brought her to the ground so that she could get help.

Manh said that the toddler had blood coming out of her mouth after the fall. It is said that the little toddler only dislocated her hip and is now in a cast while being monitored, according to VN Express. As for Manh, he got sprained his arm muscles after the incident.

He is definitely a hero and the whole nation is praising him for his heroic efforts! We wish for the fast recovery of the child and Manh!


Also read: Not All Heroes Wear Capes! Here Are 3 Times Abang Bomba & Polis Saved M’sians From The Floods

Source: YouTube

The post Vietnamese Delivery Man Heroically Saves 3yo Toddler Who Fell From 12th Floor of Condominium appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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