Wednesday, April 14, 2021

“I saw him as my father” T’gganu Football Player Donates RM100 To Old Uncle Selling Sarongs

The post “I saw him as my father” T’gganu Football Player Donates RM100 To Old Uncle Selling Sarongs appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

These are moments that every Malaysian should take note of!

Ever since the pandemic hit, the livelihoods of so many people have been affected and Malaysians have been looking for alternative ways simply to survive. Some become street vendors by selling pickles or clothes by the roadside. These vendors are who you should NEVER haggle with as they’re just looking for their next meal.

A post went viral a few days ago where an elderly uncle was seen selling sarongs on the streets of Terengganu. Passersby noted that at no point was the uncle begging for money. The uncle usually goes around town selling the sarongs to earn some extra money.

As his luck would have it, Terengganu Football Club import player, Makan Konate passed by the area to have his lunch. The uncle then offered Makan the sarongs he was selling but Makan refused the sarong.

He then proceeded to open his wallet and give the uncle two RM50 notes much to the uncle’s surprise and delight!

Facebook users praised the football player for his generosity and even blessed him for his upcoming games. Speaking to Berita Harian, Makan said he never expected his small act of charity to go this viral.

“I gave money to the uncle not to brag but simply for humanity reasons. I saw that the uncle had not eaten yet and I gave him some money for his meals.”

The former T-Team player of the 2016/2017 season imagined the uncle as his father and was impressed with his attitude of not asking for alms, instead of working to earn a living.

What do you think of this heartwarming situation? Let us know in the comments section!


Also read: Father Gives Back RM1,400 To Charity House That Helped Send His Daughter To Med School

Source: Penang Kini
Source: Penang Kini

The post “I saw him as my father” T’gganu Football Player Donates RM100 To Old Uncle Selling Sarongs appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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