Thursday, April 1, 2021

Unity At Its Best! Chinese Man Cares For Elderly Malay Uncle As His Own Family

The post Unity At Its Best! Chinese Man Cares For Elderly Malay Uncle As His Own Family appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

We can’t deny that there is a divide between the different races in Malaysia, despite us calling our country racially harmonious.

But, we can still achieve that racial harmony if we set aside our differences and see each other as one big family.

For instance, the Buletin Mutiara Facebook page took to their profile to showcase an elderly Malay uncle, 87-year-old Hashim Rejab, who is being taken care of by a Chinese family.

They wrote, “Hashim Rejab, 87, is old and lives alone, but his affairs and welfare are taken care of by a Chinese family, Liang Kok Hua (Ah Hua), 43. In fact, Ah Hua’s 84-year-old mother, Oei Ah Sin, was willing to build a small hut in front of Hashim’s house to make it easier to take care of his meals.”

“Ah Hua, without fail, would get food for Hashim on a daily basis, and takes care of Hashim like he was his own family. Today, there are still many in the community who are considered ‘modern’ but throw their parents away for absurd reasons.”

It turns out that Ah Hua and his siblings had grown up playing at Hashim’s house, and Hashim has kept their toys up till now without throwing them away, due to how close they are.

“From fire engines, police cars, bulldozers to video games, checkers, and many more, it’s all still well stored in Hashim’s small hut. But that’s not all, they also have picture albums neatly storing their memories as ‘children’,”

“Ah Hua is a quiet man, awkward in front of the lens but his body language and facial expressions won’t deceive that they are ‘children’ of different religions, races, and ethnicities.”

This proves that Malaysians can live harmoniously as family, beyond the segregation of race and religion.

“It would be wonderful if the walls of racism and religious beliefs in Malaysia could be demolished like Hashim, Ah Hua, and his family. This is the multi-racial country that we’ve all longed for so that Malaysia can be more developed, prosperous and a model country for all races,” they added.

If we all could be like Hashim and Ah Hua, Malaysia would definitely be a better place.

What do you think about this? Let us know in the comment section.


Also read: Father Who Moved Across Malaysia To Support His Two Daughters Has Passed Away

The post Unity At Its Best! Chinese Man Cares For Elderly Malay Uncle As His Own Family appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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