Thursday, May 20, 2021

M’sian Uses Work Letter To Travel Interstate For Hari Raya, Infects Family With Covid-19

The post M’sian Uses Work Letter To Travel Interstate For Hari Raya, Infects Family With Covid-19 appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

An individual who travelled interstate so that he could celebrate Hari Raya has infected several of his family members with Covid-19.

The Kedah State Health Department (JKN Kedah) shared on their Facebook page that the man who lived in a different state had misused his employee’s letter to travel interstate and balik kampung to celebrate Hari Raya with his family.

As a result, several of his family members became infected with Covid-19.

For illustration purpose only

After investigations were carried out, it was discovered that the family did not adhere to the standard operating procedures (SOP).

The man’s parents and nephews/nieces, some of whom are high-risk individuals, are now undergoing treatment at the hospital as a result of his actions.

Meanwhile, JKN Kedah reminded the public to continue following the SOPs and to be responsible citizens.

“Can you imagine if the government allowed people to visit each other on Hari Raya? Would the number of cases increase even more?” JKN Kedah wrote in the post.

“To the ones who always continue to abide by the SOP, you are very responsible citizens. You are also a responsible child to your family.”

“The sacrifices we make today are for the sake of our future, a future without Covid-19.”

“To the frontliners, you remain our heroes! Continue to work hard for the sake of this beloved country. Because we will win one day.”


Also read: ‘No-Hope’ Patients In Kedah Hospital Will Be Removed From ICU To Make Way For Other Patients

Source: elwekalanews

The post M’sian Uses Work Letter To Travel Interstate For Hari Raya, Infects Family With Covid-19 appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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