Thursday, May 20, 2021

‘No-Hope’ Patients In Kedah Hospital Will Be Removed From ICU To Make Way For Other Patients

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The Covid-19 situation has reached a point where doctors have to choose which patients get admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at a hospital in Kedah due to a shortage of beds.

Chronic patients who are considered to have no hope of recovery will no longer be placed in the ICU to make way for other critical patients. This includes Covid-19 and non-Covid-19 patients.

Chairman of the state Health and Local Government Committee, Datuk Dr Mohd Hayati Othman said although there are still enough beds in the ICU, his party was worried that other critical patients could not be admitted to the ICU which is currently full of Covid-19 patients, reported Sinar Harian.

“I was feeling guilty as to whether or not I should say this, but I have no choice. In some cases the doctor has to choose which one to send to the ICU, if the patient is too chronic and hopeless, we do not admit him again to the ICU,” he said.

“This includes patients who are not Covid-19 cases, doctors will do a thorough examination for those who need to be admitted into the ICU. However, we will treat all patients until they recover and are stable.”

According to Harian Metro, hospitals in Kedah are facing an increase in Covid-19 cases after the state recorded an all-time high of 445 cases yesterday (20 May) and ICU wards have reached 92% capacity.

Dr Mohd Hayati reminded the public that hospitals not only treat Covid-19 patients, but other patients who need treatment and surgery as well. He added that surgery patients need to be placed in the ICU first.

Meanwhile, the Director of the Kedah Health Department, Dr Mohd Fikri Ujang said that a total of 44 Covid-19 patients are being treated in the ICU, with 20 of them needing breathing assistance.

“A total of 11 patients were treated at the ICU of Sultan Abdul Halim Hospital (HSAH) Sungai Petani while the rest were in the ICU of Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital (HSB) and ICU of Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital 2 (HSB2),” he said.

“Of the total 44 individuals treated in the ICU, only three are aged 50 and below, the rest are aged 50 and above.”

He added that with the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) in place in Kota Setar and nine localities in Bandar Darulaman and Lubuk Kawah, Jitra, more detailed contact tracing could be carried out.


Also read: JUST IN: Malaysia Records Highest Ever Death Count Today At 59 Covid-19 Fatalities

The post ‘No-Hope’ Patients In Kedah Hospital Will Be Removed From ICU To Make Way For Other Patients appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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