Thursday, June 17, 2021

“Health is more important” Kind M’sian Lecturer Advises Student To Not Overwork Himself

The post “Health is more important” Kind M’sian Lecturer Advises Student To Not Overwork Himself appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

The MCO 3.0 has been challenging for many of us due to the limitations placed on our movements. What makes matters even more challenging for students is the issue of online classes.

Some students struggle through online classes due to the lack of resources and the inconvenience of virtual learning as some programmes require physical or face-to-face teachings.

Recently a fashion student who goes by @444fairykilla, shared his conversation between him and his lecturer via his  Twitter account, captioning how he was thankful that his lecturer was understanding of his struggles during this lockdown.


The conversation shows the student apologising for his late submission of his final project, explaining that he was experiencing a shortage of fabric and that all fabric shops are closed due to the extension of the Movement Control Order(MCO).

He also explained that he had just managed to order the needed fabric online. Without hesitation, the lecturer immediately accepts his apology and informs him that the deadline will be extended, understanding that the students may face uncertain situations.

In another post, the same lecturer prioritised the students’ health saying, “Just do not overwork yourself. Health is more important.”


Since being posted, the tweet received many responses from other students expressing how they usually get an opposite kind of reaction from their lecturers. They expressed how lecturers should be more considerate and understanding, especially during times like these while others praised the lecturer for setting a good example.


What do you guys think of this? Let us know in the comments below! 


Also read: 18yo M’sian Teen Gets Harassed Online By Classmate Whom She Never Met Before


Source: WOB

The post “Health is more important” Kind M’sian Lecturer Advises Student To Not Overwork Himself appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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