Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Malaysia’s Criminal Investigation Department Suggests That DNA Samples Should Be Taken From Newborn Babies

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Will future parents be okay if this approved?

In a press conference session today (30 June) with the Director of the Criminal Investigation Department (JSJ), CP Dato ’Sri Abd Jalil Hassan and the relevant officers were discussing the importance of the forensic investigation department in solving current crimes.

One of the reporters present posed a question in regards to the importance of DNA samples. The Director mentioned that it’s rare for authorities to use DNA samples in Malaysia. So far, there have been 160,000 DNA profiles in the Forensic Databank Malaysia where they successfully recorded 130,000 DNA matches.

blog UK samples DNA testing

For illustration purposes only.

He added that there has been previous suggestions of obtaining DNA samples from every newborn baby to further complete the database. However, certain parties have suggested that there’s no need to implement this but instead to focus on the criminal arrests that are already happening.

“It’s not about misusing the data but it’s simply about taking care of the community. This is our suggestion to the government NOT mandatory!’

Despite the Director’s emphasis that this was merely a suggestion given to the government, Malaysians on Twitter vehemently expressed their disapproval of such a suggestion as they believe that there is still no proper transparency in the country which will simply lead to further complications. gif maker 2021 06 30T155731.648

“I don’t agree. Transparency and integrity is a big problem in this country. I still remember a mattress being carried everywhere to prove a sodomy case. Are there any guarantees that this won’t be made into a political weapon?” gif maker 2021 06 30T160137.243

“No way. There’s hardly enough public trust in the police or authorities to give them a DNA repository.” gif maker 2021 06 30T160449.195

“Nope! There are so many bribery cases at PDRM. How to guarantee our kids’ DNA won’t be used at crime scenes? Then, there will be more innocent people being slandered.”

Do you think the country will become more of a police state if this system is implemented? Let us know what you think!


Also read: “I can’t wait forever,” M’sian Pleads For Public To Help Him Find His Biological Family

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Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter

The post Malaysia’s Criminal Investigation Department Suggests That DNA Samples Should Be Taken From Newborn Babies appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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