Friday, June 25, 2021

Student Sits Outside His House To Get Better Internet Connection For Online Classes

The post Student Sits Outside His House To Get Better Internet Connection For Online Classes appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

The current pandemic season poses a challenge to both school and university students. It is most challenging when they have to bear the hassle of searching for a good internet connection to be in class and complete schoolwork. An example of this was shared on Twitter by @Aimanpaku recently where his nephew had to go out of his house by the roadside just to get good internet connection.

Aiman explained in his tweet that there is some connection in the house but it is simply not strong enough for a video conference during the PdPR session with the teacher. Aiman also mentioned that the reason he shared the whole incident was that how cute and proactive his nephew is when it comes to learning and ensuring that he does not miss any of the lessons.

As a result of his tweet going viral, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has contacted him in regards to the matter and will be sending their team to check the coverage in the area and possibly improve the connection there.

Read the full tweet here:

But whatever it is, we would like to applaud Aiman’s nephew for taking the initiative to find a good connection so that he can learn better. Hopefully, things will improve for him soon.


Also read: Syed Saddiq Crowdfunds Over RM22k To Help Child In Need

Screenshot 2021 06 26 at 12.19.34 PM

The post Student Sits Outside His House To Get Better Internet Connection For Online Classes appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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