Thursday, July 1, 2021

Here Are 5 Reasons M’sians Should Always Do Their Own Home Improvements & Repairs

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The post Here Are 5 Reasons M’sians Should Always Do Their Own Home Improvements & Repairs appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

If you own a house, you should also know the pains of maintaining one especially after you’ve lived there for a long time. Old houses would have issues caused by wear and tear, while new houses could also have their own problems thanks to poor workmanship and cheap materials.

Calling a professional repairman would be the first thing everyone does when their house needs a fixer-upper but if you have some basic home improvement skills, there are huge benefits to fixing your own home, including:

1. Saving a LOT of money on repair bills

repair wall crack

Unless you need some work done that requires heavy and dangerous power tools, there are actually quite a lot of things you could do around your house that doesn’t require a handyman. For example, sealing cracks in the house could cost you up to RM300 and handyman fees in Malaysia are about RM70 per hour.

With some DIY knowledge, you can do simple house repairs such as:

With the right tools and materials, you can really save money on those labour charges!


2. Reduce the risk of having outsiders in your home

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As we all know, the pandemic we are currently facing is highly infectious. This wouldn’t be a good time to have repairmen who have visited other houses come to your home and risk the possibility of getting sick. If you have major repairs or renovations planned, it’s best to postpone them for now and deal with any small home issues on your own.

Go online and watch videos on how to fix a seal in your bathroom or how to put up a shelf on your own. It’s a good time to learn new things since we’re all stuck at home anyway!


3. Make home improvements at your own pace

before after

When you have others do your home repairs or improvements, there’s the inconvenience of having to be there at all times and sacrificing your busy schedule to monitor them. When you fix up your own home, you can do it on your own time. By doing this, you also won’t feel pressured by a “professional” to do things a certain way that could unnecessarily cost you more money than intended.

You can try out a few simple DIY home improvements to spruce up your living space, such as:

  • Adding LED lighting strips into your cabinets & shelves for a warm and classier look
  • Use a mixture of water + bleach to remove mould especially around damp places in your bathroom & kitchen
  • Add wall shelves in your living room to place some decorations like plants or small sculptures
  • Place wooden slats on your shower floor to give it that spa feeling and make them anti-slip too

shower floor improvement

Aside from making your house look nicer, there’s also that rewarding feeling after you’ve completed the job. Think of it as one more skill you can add to your list of achievements to impress your friends with!


4. You could prevent bigger problems in the future

bathroom flooded

Now you’ll have to call the plumber

As the person living in the house, only you would notice any structural issues that need fixing. If you notice a crack or a loose hinge somewhere and can fix it yourself, it’s good to be able to do so immediately and stop the problem from becoming a bigger one.

Here are some examples of commonly overlooked household issues that could lead to major problems in the future:

  • Leaky, rusty pipes can turn into a major pipe burst
  • Water that leaks into ceilings can cause the ceiling to collapse if left unrepaired
  • Cracked walls can lead to serious structural integrity issues later on
  • Pipes that are not properly sealed can leak and flood a bathroom overnight

Imagine not repairing that loose door hinge for months and one day the door just comes off as you open it. Someone could get hurt and you’ll have more than just handyman bills to pay for.


5. You will learn some valuable skills

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And become your parents’ personal handyman

With so much information readily available online right now, it’s easy to learn something new like DIY home improvement and repairs? You’ll not only save money but become a much more independent person who knows how to fix their own home.

Aside from home improvement skills, you’ll also know more about the tools and materials used to do the job such as what a sealant does or the types of lubricants available and their uses.

And if you happen to be on the lookout for materials for some DIY home improvements, Selleys has all the right stuff for you!

Selleys is an Australian brand offering a range of home improvement products that are now available in Malaysia. Their high-quality products include:

Selleys eBanner Jun2021 WOB 300x250 high res

When it comes to your home, it’s best to use a trusted brand for all DIY improvements & repairs as poor quality ones might cause even more damage or worse, an injury later on. That’s why make sure to check out Selleys products that will ensure your home fixes are secure and long-lasting so you can have peace of mind.

You can find Selleys products at selected Nippon Paint dealers today. To know more about other Selleys products, head over to their official website where you can also find tips on DIY home fixes. There’s even a Selleys official YouTube channel where you can watch videos and get tips on how to use their productsHow handy is that?

Just be sure to be extra careful when doing home improvements on your own and call a professional if the job’s too much for you to handle! And when you’re looking for home improvement products, just remember, If It’s Selleys, It Works!

Source: The Spruce
Source: McKissock
Source: Twitter
Source: Freepik

The post Here Are 5 Reasons M’sians Should Always Do Their Own Home Improvements & Repairs appeared first on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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