Friday, July 30, 2021

Reporter Couldn’t Hold Back Tears When National High Jumper Apologised To Malaysians

lee hup wei in tears

To all of our Malaysian athletes, just remember that we’re proud of you no matter what!

A norm for our Malaysian athletes to do if they lose during the Olympics is to post an apology but we believe that they have nothing to be sorry for! The fact that they’ve qualified for the biggest sporting event in the world is enough to make us beam with pride.

National high jumper, Lee Hup Wei, couldn’t hold back his tears today (30 July) when he failed to pass the first height of 2.17 meters at the Tokyo Olympic Stadium. Speaking to Astro Arena, the 34-year-old athlete said how he felt extreme pressure when he was at his event and it got to a point couldn’t even feel anything.

“I’ve done my best. To come here is not easy, I got here by going through a lot of obstacles. But when I was here I couldn’t do my best, I apologise,” said Lee who could be seen tearing up.

lee hup wei

He added that the coach had given him all the guidance but when he was in there, his stress made him forget everything. “That 2.17 height is not the problem because the problem is myself doing it poorly,” he said.

The athlete couldn’t hold back his tears throughout the interview and indicated that he wanted it to end.

“This is my last Olympics games. I won’t be going to the 2024 Paris Olympics.”

When the reporter questioned his decision, the athlete said he would like to give way to his juniors to prove themselves. To his fans in Malaysia, Lee Hup Wei extended his apologies for not doing his best.

“This is the first time I’ve seen him cry”

Nadi Arena reporter, Bazly Azmi, couldn’t hold back his tears as well saying that he as the representative of Malaysia, would like to thank Lee Hup Wei.

“I’ve known Hup Wei for 15 years and this is the first time I’ve seen him cry. I hope what happened in this Olympics doesn’t make him receive criticism.”

“We need to always support Hup Wei and our Malaysian athletes to chase the coveted gold medal. To the others, Lee Hup Wei’s spirit and effort of obtaining most gold medals in the athletics squad during the 2017 Sea Games should be an example. We hope Hup Wei would continue representing the country at least for the 2022 Sea Games.”

To Lee Hup Wei, we would like to say that no matter what happened out there, we are extremely proud of you. You will return a hero!


Also read: “Sorry to make everyone feel down” Zii Jia Talks About His Tokyo 2020 Olympics Experience

Lee Zii Jia Olympics Tokyo 2020 Chen Long 1 2

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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