Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Cheras Street Vendor Receives Backlash After Trying To Sell Weak & Frail Cat For RM800

A street vendor in Bandar Sri Permaisuri, Cheras, has recently received backlash after he was found to be selling a frail cat for RM800 while leaving it in a terrible condition by the side of the road where he runs his business.

The Malaysia Animal Association (MAA) took to their Facebook page to call out the man for his cruel actions.

cat 1

They wrote, “Selling cats without considering welfare aspects is an animal welfare crime.”

They included a list of elements that the man did not take into consideration when he put the poor animal up for sale.

cat 2

According to MAA, selling cats are not allowed if:

  1. The cat’s condition indicates that it is unhealthy.
  2. The cat is not up to standard and is deemed unfit for sale as it is unhealthy, unclean, has a skin disease and is dirty.
  3. It is kept in conditions that are prone to the dangers of hot weather and rain.
  4. It is kept in an openly exposed condition that can lead to accidents.
  5. The size of the cage is uncomfortable and unsuitable for the cat.

“This situation invites the outrage of the animal-loving community. Sellers need to be sensitive about the management of animal companions/pets.”

cat 3

They have also urged the authorities to look into this issue.

“The sale of livestock for food also involves aspects of welfare rights. Malaysia Animal Association urges the authorities to thoroughly investigate the sale of this cat which has angered netizens who love animals,” they added.

We genuinely hope that the poor cat is rescued from the man as soon as possible.

What do you think about this? Let us know in the comment section.


Also read: PDRM Officers Team Up To Help Injured Stray Doggo That Accompanies Them At Roadblock

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This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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