Friday, October 15, 2021

“I’ll lead the journey” Philippines President Says Anti-Vaxxers Should Be Injected While They’re Asleep

Vaccines have been life-changing ever since it was introduced and supplied to the whole world, including Malaysia. As a result of having a vaccinated population, we are slowly seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as we head towards living a Covid-free lifestyle once again or more like an endemic.

However, despite governments across the world trying their best to encourage people to get vaccinated, there are still people out there who still do not believe in its efficacy against Covid-19. Unfortunately, this problem is not ‘exclusive’ to Malaysia, as other countries are also struggling to get a huge percentage of their citizens to get their vaccinations.

Although the Covid-19 vaccine is not mandatory in the Philippines, its President, Rodrigo Duterte has suggested a seemingly extreme way to get those who remain hesitant vaccinated.

President Rodrigo Dunderte


According to CNN Philippines, Duterte recently said in a taped address on Tuesday (12 October), “The problem is those who don’t want to get vaccinated.”

“Look for them in your village, let’s go there while they’re asleep and inject them while asleep so we can get it done. If they don’t want, let’s go in their houses and inject them when night falls. I’ll do it, I’ll lead the journey.”

Being one of the earliest people to get vaccinated in the Philippines, President Duterte has always been vocal regarding the efficiency and the benefits of getting the vaccine. Many controversies have surrounded President Duterte as his remarks urging his people to get vaccinated can seem pretty brutal.

Vaccination in philippines

For illustration purposes only

Back in June, he had threatened vaccine decliners with jail or even worse, injecting them with Ivermectin, an anti-parasite medication that is commonly used for animals.

“You choose, vaccine or I will have you jailed. Otherwise, I will order all the village captains to have a tally of the people who refuse to be vaccinated. Because if not, I will have Ivermectin meant for pigs injected into you.”

“That would really kill (the virus), including you,” he added.

As of 14 October, there has been 2,698,232 cases and 40,221 deaths in total in the Philippines.


Tell us what do you think of President Duterte’s approach towards vaccines in the comments down below.

Also read: Thailand To Open Borders To Fully Vaccinated Individual From ANY Countries Starting 1 November

Thailand Open Border
Source: Bloomberg
Source: Reuters

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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