Monday, November 22, 2021

Netizens Enraged With Preacher Who Made Fun Of Orang Asli Community In Sermon

There have been a few occurrences where preachers are in the centre of controversial situations.

Recently, a video went viral on Twitter of this Islamic preacher in Malaysia being disrespectful towards the Orang Asli community.

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The caption of the tweet reads, “Dear preachers in Malaysia, can you stop using us, Orang Asli as joke material for your sermons. Can you do that?”

In the video, the preacher made a remark that downgraded the Orang Asli community.

The preacher was saying how behind the Orang Asli community are to the extent of not even knowing the existence of a mirror and getting excited over it.


Netizens respond to the video

After only a few days, the tweet by @fuzirbarry received 127.2k views and 1166 retweets, with various responses from netizens.

“0 religious information
0 jokes
0 brain”

One user expressed their anger by mentioning how infuriating the video was because of the amount of disrespect portrayed by the preacher in the video.

Another user questioned what was the whole motive of the story and mentioned what the preacher did was “downright ignorant“.

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Another group of Twitter users decided to point out the tone and volume of the preacher’s voice during the sermon.

“Also, I still don’t understand why preachers that do sermons would always shout when they obviously already have a microphone. So loud 😭

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According to a few Twitter comments, this preacher has been reprimanded a few times by other preachers due to other controversial issues.

It was also confirmed by Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Kedah (JHEAIK), the preacher does not have an official teaching credential, especially to conduct sermons.


You can watch the full video here.


Let us know what you think of this issue in the comment  section down below.


Also read: “I was misunderstood” Preacher Says His Sermon Was Meant Only For Muslims & Was Taken Out Of Context

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Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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