Wednesday, February 2, 2022

WATCH: Road Users Lend a Hand To Help Police Officers Clear Debris in Middle of Road In Sarawak

While enforcement officers have bad reputations due to the corrupt bad eggs, there are those who still work in service of the general public.

And when the people encounter officers like this, they’re willing to help these officers while they’re on duty.

For instance, officers who were making their rounds in Sarawak decided to stop and clear debris in the middle of a road. When they struggled, road users decided to lend a hand, as showcased in a video on the Inforoadblock Facebook page.

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They wrote, “The 17 JSPT IPK Sarawak Safe Operation Monitoring team led by ASP Azlizi, SM Mohammad Radzi, Cpl Azlan, LKpl Urisman and LKpl Diesam were on patrol when they came across fragments of soil and grass that most likely had fallen from a lorry on Jalan Pesisir Pantai Bekenu, Bintulu.”

In the video, the team can be seen attempting to clean up the mess and as the video progresses, more and more road users decided to stop and assist.

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The Monitoring team continued to clean up and was also assisted by the public to ensure the safety of road users who would pass through the road,”

If cleaning action is not taken, it can cause accidents to road users.

They went on to advise lorry drivers to ensure their cargo fits the safety requirements to prevent such situations from happening again.

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“To any lorry driver who carries any type of lead, please make sure the load you are carrying is correctly in safe conditions and covered neatly,”

“Thank you to the people who together, lent a helping hand.”

In the end, they all managed to clear as much debris as possible. Some could even be seen scrapping the soil from the road with their bare hands.


It’s so amazing to see how the general public can work together with enforcement officers when there is a need for it.

You can watch the amazing video here:

POLIS DAN MASYARAKAT BERPISAH TIADAPasukan Pemantauan Op Selamat 17 JSPT IPK Sarawak yang diketuai oleh ASP Azlizi , SM Mohammad Radzi ,Kpl Azlan , LKpl Urisman dan LKpl Diesam sedang dalam rondaan terjumpa dengan serpihan tanah/rumput yang kemungkinan besar telah jatuh dari lori di Jalan Pesisir Pantai Bekenu/Bintulu. Pasukan Pemantauan tersebut terus melakukan pembersihan dan turut dibantu oleh orang awam bagi memastikan keselamatan pengguna jalan raya yang akan melalui jalan tersebut. Sekiranya tindakan pembersihan tidak dilakukan ianya boleh menyebabkan kemalangan kepada pengguna jalan raya. Kepada mana² pemandu lori yang membawa apa² saja jenis muatan sila pastikan muatan yang anda bawa betul² dalam keadaan yang selamat dan bertutup dengan kemas.. Terima Kasih kepada Orang Awam yang bersama²menghulur bantuan..TERBAIK..▶JSPT Kontinjen Sarawak

Posted by Inforoadblock on Wednesday, February 2, 2022

What do you think of their efforts? Share your thoughts in the comment section.


Also read: M’sians Praise Traffic Police Officer For Getting Down & Dirty Just To Clear Clogged Drain

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This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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