Sunday, March 27, 2022

PDRM: 1,571 Police Officers & Personnel Subjected To Disciplinary Action In 2021

Bukit Aman Integrity and Standards Compliance Department (JIPS) director, Datuk Azri Ahmad today revealed that a total of 1,571 police officers and personnel were subjected to disciplinary action throughout last year. Among the offences committed include visiting entertainment centres, not declaring assets, marrying without approval from superiors, refusing to accept reports and more.

As reported by national news agency Bernama, Azri said that those officers and personnel that were involved in integrity offences were investigated under the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1993. Furthermore, some are even involved in criminal offences, whereby 23 individuals for crime, 18 individuals for corruption, 84 individuals for drugs-related offences and 48 individuals for Syariah-related criminal offences.

Hence, the JIPS director said that the department would be strengthening the integrity of PDRM personnel by focusing on six elements this year, namely:

  • Governance/policing
  • Complaint management
  • Intelligence/operations
  • Investigation
  • Compliance
  • Religious and counselling

Azri further clarified that the general governance/policing element involves conduct (behaviour) through courses, in-service training and continuous academic programmes for PDRM personnel. As for complaint management, it involves promoting the existence of e-SPA (complaint management system) to the public and PDRM personnel.

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Bukit aman integrity and standards compliance department (jips) director, datuk azri ahmad.

In terms of intelligence/operational, JIPS will help enhance integrity among PDRM personnel by addressing the involvement of personnel in drug and ketum abuse, as well as spot checks of frontline personnel on duty in the field to prevent extortion issues at roadblocks and other places.

Next, regarding the investigation element, JIPS has improved the quality of the investigation of officers and police personnel by conducting a thorough and detailed investigation so that those involved in misconduct would be judged accordingly based on facts and evidence.

As for the compliance element, JIPS are taking a preventive approach by enhancing compliance inspections to eliminate the space and opportunity for misconduct and malpractice among police officers and personnel. Lastly, for the religious and counselling elements, JIPS hopes to strengthen PDRM personnel’s integrity inclusively by emphasising the aspects of development, prevention and rehabilitation through religious approaches as well as psychology and counselling.

What do you guys think of this statistic shared by JIPS as well as the measures the department is taking to improve the integrity of PDRM officers? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.


Also read: PDRM Is Identifying The Driver of a Preve Who Drove Through Traffic Using a Fake Police Siren

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Source: Bernama

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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