Wednesday, July 7, 2021

“It’s impossible that an injection has no vaccine,” Says Selangor State Health Department

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

Yesterday, social media was abuzz with Simon’s story where his jab apparently contained no vaccine. This definitely shook Malaysians’ trust as he had video footage and even lodged a police report.

Since then, the Selangor State Health Department issued a statement saying it’s quite impossible for that to happen.


Statement from Selangor State Health Department

They’ve mentioned that the vaccine process is a thorough one, and giving an empty injection was almost impossible. Here why:

  1. Vaccinators that are involved are trained and ethical, in addition to being employed officially by the state health department.
  2. At least 2 personnel is involved in giving the vaccine jab in each station.
  3. One acts as the vaccinator, while the other is a witness while the vaccine is given.
  4. The person who prepares the vaccine will use the syringe to take up the vaccine from the vial at a specific amount and will then provide it to the vaccinator. This person also makes sure that there are no empty syringes laying on the vaccinator’s trolly.
  5. Before injection, the vaccinator is responsible to take note of the type of vaccine that will be administered based on the tagging done during the patient’s registration.
  6. After the jab, the syringe will be thrown into the sharp bin.

By following the SOPs thoroughly, Selangor State Health Department mentions it’s hard for an empty injection to be administered to any patient.



While waiting for more information, let’s try to not panic as of now.

In addition, for those of you who will be getting your vaccination, as a precaution, always remember to get the medical officer to show you the syringe beforehand with the correct amount of dosage.

What are your thoughts on this story? Let us know in the comment section below!


Also read: Malaysian Claims He’s Given Injection With NO Vaccine In Viral Video

Empty Syringe Vaccine Malaysia

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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