Wednesday, July 7, 2021

“No obstacles or restrictions” EU Says AstraZeneca Shots From Malaysia Valid For Travel

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

Amidst the political turmoil happening, Malaysians might be glad to know that any individual that has obtained their Covid-19 vaccine approval from the European Union (EU) and the World Health Organization (WHO) will be allowed to travel to EU member countries for emergency purposes.

According to Astro Awani, this approval includes the AstraZeneca vaccine produced by facilities not yet recognised in the EU.

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“There are no obstacles or restrictions. Thus, recent reports released regarding the origins of the AstraZeneca vaccine have been deemed inaccurate.”

They reassured that entry into the EU is principally allowed for individuals who have completed their vaccination with EU-approved vaccines including vaccines issued at facilities not under EU marketing authorisation.

Previously, Coordinating Minister of the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK), Khairy Jamaluddin said that the EU is not supposed to discriminate as to where the vaccine is produced as the same vaccine formula is used in all its manufacturing facilities.

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EU representatives reassured that the digital certificate is only used as a tool to assist the travel process in EU countries and not as a mandatory prerequisite for entry. In addition to the certificate, EU member states can also allow the entry of visitors with other documents to prove their vaccination.

“The documents must at least contain information about the individual involved, the type of vaccine they received as well as the date that they received the vaccine.”

Nonetheless, they added that Malaysian citizens who intend on visiting the EU need to observe all SOPs and documentation that is set by each country, particularly as these rules are subject to change following the pandemic situation in both EU and Malaysia.

Let us know what you think of this issue!


Also read: “Same vaccine formula is used” KJ Says No Reason For EU To Discriminate Against AZ Vaccine

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Source: Astro Awani
Source: Astro Awani

This post first appeared on WORLD OF BUZZ.

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